I finally had the opportunity to listen to the Saturday morning session of General Conference today. One of the talks that really touched my heart was the one titled "And A Little Child Shall Lead Them" by Boyd K. Packer. In this talk he talked about the importance of children. This is something that I have been pondering a lot frequently. I saw an idea on Pinterest to write a letter to your children as often as you can, telling them specific things that you love about them and things that they are doing in specific stages that you do not want to forget. You then put the letter in either a notebook or in their scrapbook. I have started doing this and I know that this is something that we will all cherish for years to come.
Writing these letters has helped me take the time to realize the things that my boys are doing and how much they are changing every day. They have started folding their arms and bowing their heads when we kneel down for family prayer. When you ask them, "What do we do when we talk to Heavenly Father?" they immediately fold their arms and bow their head. These are the moments that I cherish the most. I know I have said before that there is something truly magical about being a mother. Nothing in this world compares to that quiet half hour before nap time or before bed when the three of us get to cuddle in the rocking chair.
In the talk President Packer said, "One of the great discoveries of parenthood is that we learn far more about what really matters from our children than we ever did from our parents. We come to recognize the truth in Isaiah’s prophecy that “a little child shall lead them.” I have learned more about what matters most in this life from Stedson and Treydon then I have learned from anyone/anything else. Ever. Every single day they remind me how precious this life is and just how lucky I am to have the the privlidge to raise these two little angels.
"Fathers and mothers, next time you cradle a newborn child in your arms, you can have an inner vision of the mysteries and purpose of life. You will better understand why the Church is as it is and why the family is the basic organization in time and in eternity."-Boyd K. Packer