We had a cowboy birthday themed party for the boys. It was so much fun to plan this party! I found the cutest party package from Totfulmemories on etsy. She sent me an email with everything that she had designed, banners, invites, favor bags, choc wraps, water bottle labels, just so many things! Then I just printed everything out and put it together. It was a lot of fun, but oh so much work! :) I also got a hair brained idea to make horse cupcakes. They ended up looking a bit like dogs but they turned out ok!
True to their little personalities, Treydon immediately began digging into his cake, shoveling handfuls into his mouth. Stedson on the other hand watched Treydon for a minute, tasted a little of the frosting, looked at me to make sure it was ok, and then picked up the entire cake and started chomping! It was so adorable! It was so much fun to watch them make mess.
These two little guys are such a blessing in our lives. :)
wow whit you did such a cute job with this birthday party, so stinkin cute!!