Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Let's talk about babies!

The twins are growing rapidly, and boy oh boy can I feel it! I can't believe how fast the time is going. I am just finishing up my 23rd week,(although some days I feel 52 weeks) which is just so crazy to me. I can't believe that in less than three months my babies could be here! My stomach continues to grow, and sometimes I don't recognize myself in the mirror. We don't have a full mirror, so when we go places and I use the bathroom I honestly get a little freaked out when I see my reflection! It seems that everywhere I go everyone tells me how miserable I look (compliment?) and wants to know if I am due in the next week or two. This has become somewhat of a game for me to watch their faces as I tell them that yes I am a bit miserable, but I have three months to go! My health is good, and the babies are exactly where they should be at this point. I am loving getting things ready for the babies, but most of all I love feeling them move. I am trying very, very hard to stay positive and remember that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to carry these two little angels. The goal right now is to get to at least 34 weeks which is the first week in November although it would be great if I went longer! I am trying to keep the goal in sight and do everything in my power to get to that point.

We have had a lot of people ask if we have a baby registry set up anywhere for the twins. I finally sat down a few days ago and created one. So, for anyone who is interested in helping us celebrate these two little bundles of joy that will be arriving in the next few months you can find our registry at Once you get to the website click on "find a registry" and then you can search by typing in my name. I accidentally created two registries and can't figure out how to delete one, so the one you need to click on is the second one that comes up. :)

We are sure getting excited for these boys to arrive and feel so grateful to have been given this opportunity to raise twins!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Baby BOYS!

Our lives have sure been crazy this past week! We went to the doctor a month ago and they told us that they were 100% sure that we were having one boy and 60% sure that the other was a girl. We were a little annoyed that they couldn't tell for sure but we were very excited, but also knew that it could change at our next appointment. Last Friday we had our big Ultrasound where they check the hearts, spines, brains, etc of the babies. Jase took the day off so that he could go to the appointment and it was so much fun! We found out that we are most definitely having two little boys! :) We are very excited. As soon as she said that they were both boys, I looked over at Jase and he was smiling from ear to ear. He is so excited!!! They are not identical, they each have their own sacs. They are both doing very well. We were able to see their little faces, hands, and feet in 3D. They are growing very well and are exactly the size they should be at this point!

I have felt these two little boys moving quite a bit the past few weeks. It's a wonderful, humbling feeling and seems to make it all a bit more real. I love laying in bed at night with my hands on each side of my belly and feeling their little movements. I am growing two babies in my belly! What an amazing feeling.

For the most part I am feeling pretty well. I have had quite a bit of swelling in my hands, feet, and face the past week or so and ended up going into the doctor a few days ago to get it checked out. There is an increased risk for Preclampsia in twin pregnancy so they like to keep a close eye on blood pressure, swelling, and protein in the urine. My blood pressure has been exactly where it's supposed to be but they just want me to start taking it easy. They wanted me to pick up an at home blood pressure monitor so that I can monitor my blood pressure on a daily basis. Overall though I am doing very well and am trying to stay positive and enjoy every part of this pregnancy. :)

We are very excited about our two little sons. I can't wait to see my little boys and hold them in my arms!
